Sunday, September 07, 2003

"Good fences make good neighbors, but only if your fence runs along a logical, fair, consensual boundary..."

The Wailing Wall? is written by Thomas Friedman and appears in today's NY Times.

Here's a bit: "If you want to understand why Israel is building a wall and fence around the West Bank to defend against suicide bombers, just hop on any bus in Jerusalem. You can't wait to get off. You scrutinize every passenger. You look at every backpack. You flinch when another bus pulls alongside. And you can't wait to get off. Yes, Israelis admit it. Suicide bombing of buses and cafes has made them crazy, and the wall-fence they are building is a concrete expression of all those primordial fears."

Here's another Friedman article from this past week: 52 to 48. Check it out.

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