Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Sex News: Virgin Sells Virginity on Net & Fucking Married Men

Briana, the sex news goddess, returns with two new articles! Here's the first one: 18 year-old Sells Virginity Via Net. It's a true but disturbing story. Here's the tagline:
A lesbian university student who auctioned her virginity on the internet to pay for her studies is reported to have had sex with the highest bidder.
Interesting for sure. Make sure you take a peek at what Briana does with her Monday and Tuesday nights... Maccer's Tips for Sleeping with Married Men. Here's a funny bit:
I never sleep with a married man unless I actually want something back in return, often specific items – I’m a 7 in Blahniks, you know – and I’d encourage other ladies to think about this when cursorily reviewing their bank statements as well. Have you seen something you particularly want – handbag, shoes, mini break to Bora Bora? And is there someone you can fuck to get it? Not everything will actually require you to actually sleep with them, you know and sometimes I would even highly recommend never putting out.
Next week, I'll post my tips and perks for sleeping with married women. As always, thanks B!

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